304 Implementation of the Project of Brazilian Network on Microbial Resistance Monitoring in Health Care Services

Friday, March 19, 2010
Grand Hall (Hyatt Regency Atlanta)
Janaína Sallas , National Health Surveillance Agency, Brasília, Brazil
Cassio Nascimento Marques , National Health Surveillance Agency, Brasília, Brazil
André Rezende , National Health Surveillance Agency, Brasília, Brazil
Edzel Ximenes , National health surveillance agency, Brasília, Brazil
Julival Ribeiro, PHD , Hospital de Base do Distrito Federal, Brasília, Brazil
Heiko Santana, MD , National health surveillance agency, Brasília, Brazil
Heder Murari Borba , National health surveillance agency, Brasília, Brazil
Background: Microbial resistance to antibiotics is a public health problem worldwide. In Brazil, the magnitude of the problem of microbial resistance is not fully known, but Brazilian researchers have shown the great impact of infections caused by antimicrobial-resistant pathogens in the hospital. Given this framework, the National Sanitary Surveillance Agency – Anvisa, Ministry Of Health - MS and the Pan American Health Organization - PAHO partnership with the General Coordination of Public Health Laboratories – CGLAB, have been developing the Project Implementation of the National Monitoring of Microbial Resistance in Health Care Network (RM). This project aiming to control and reduce the emergence and spread of antimicrobial resistance in the health nation services through knowledge of the susceptibility of the pathogens and the targeting of measures prevention and control

Objective: To present the stages of deployment and implementation of activities under this project

Methods: Description of activities for the implementation and execution of the project in the country

Results: The project is based on the steps: Knowledge and monitoring of microbial resistance profile hospital in Brazil, obtaining microbiological data quality, use the notification system to prevent and control the spread of antimicrobial resistance, professional training for the rational use antimicrobials; establishment of technical standards and patterns of microbial identification with determination of the sensitivity profile, and support for studies and research in the area. Among the activities resulting from this project are: training of professionals of the microbiology laboratories of Sentinel and Employee Hospitals and Central Laboratories of Public Health - LACEN, professional training, Commission of the Hospital Infection Control – CCIH and watches health information management on microbial resistance, release of CLSI (Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute) in the English language and the Manual of Clinical Microbiology for Infection Control in Health Services, the site of Anvisa; use of the second National Information Infection in Health Care - NNISS, CCIHs by the sentinel network of hospitals for the notification of micro-organisms priority, the creation of the Technical Advisory Committee for Rational Use of Antimicrobial Resistance and Microbial - CURAREM, create two forums Microbial Resistance and " cure in the Virtual Community, the site of Anvisa, for exchanging information between the components of the network RM. 

Conclusions: With the implementation of the project, patients and the general population will benefit by increasing indication of antimicrobial agents, with reduced adverse events and induction of resistance.