Friday, March 19, 2010
Grand Hall (Hyatt Regency Atlanta)
David Schwartz, PhD
Tel-Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Shiri Navon-Venezia, PhD
Tel-Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Yehuda Carmeli, MD, MPH
Tel Aviv Sourasky Med Ctr, Tel-Aviv, ISRAEL
Background: AB is an important nosocomial pathogen. Detection of AB carriage is important for infection control but has limitations that may possibly be related to recovery from swabs and swab transport and storage conditions. ES is a new system utilizing a flocked nylon swab and liquid Amies medium, that is possibly superior over standard swabs (SS). However, the use of ES for recovery of AB has not been studied.
Objective: To evaluate the performance of ES for recovery of AB and the impact of swab transport time (TT) and storage conditions on AB recovery rate (ReR).
Methods: AB strains ATCC 19606 and 2 clinical multi-resistant isolates (#4593, #4871) were each suspended in sterile saline to the turbidity of 0.5MF. Suspensions were further diluted 1:100 yielding the stock incula. ES or SS (Copan Diagnostics Inc., CA, USA) were inoculated by swab suspension in 100µl of inoculum. The effects of 1h, 24h and 48h TT at 25°c as well as of storage conditions (1 week, 2 weeks and 1 month at 4°c or -80°c) on AB viability were evaluated. Swabs were vortexed prior to elution. SS were directly eluted in 0.9ml saline. For ES, 100µL of liquid medium were obtained and added to 0.9ml saline. Suspensions were serially diluted in saline and plated onto BHI agar and colonies were counted. Viability was determined by bacterial live counts expressed as the % ReR as compared to baseline live counts
Swab type
| AB Strain
| Mean ReR (%) by TT
| Mean ReR (%) by storage condition
| 1h
| 24h
| 48h
| temp.
| 0h
| 1w
| 2w
| 4w
| 19606
| 100
| 5.1
| 2846
| 5112
| 4°C
| 100
| 0.03
| 0.03
| 0
| 0.4
| 0.6
| 0.2
| 19606
| 73.2
| 643
| 553
| 4°C
| 3.5
| 1.6
| 0.01
| 1.2
| 1.2
| 0
| 20.5
| 4464
| 8146
| 4°C
| 4.2
| 0.6
| 0
| 1.5
| 0.85
| 1
| 83.3
| 4541
| 64125
| 4°C
| 9.9
| 0.8
| 4
| 0.4
| 0.1
| 0.06
Conclusions: The ES had higher ReR after 1h of transport compared to SS, while at both 24h and 48h, bacterial overgrowth was evident. ES had better ReR than SS after 1 week of storage at either 4°C or -80°C, but this difference diminished at storage times of 2-4 weeks. Thus, ES may the preferred swab type for sampling AB, as long as swabs are processed within reasonable transport and storage times.