4 Hospital Construction with Infection Control in Mind

Thursday, March 18, 2010: 12:00 PM-4:00 PM
CME Credits: 3.50
Type: Oral
Summary: This workshop is intended to provide participants preparing for hospital construction with an opportunity to interact with members of an Atlanta healthcare system that has successfully completed several major construction projects in the past several years. The workshop participants will be transported to one of the healthcare system’s facilities where they will meet with members of the facility construction planning team. Members of the team will review the construction planning, implementation, and completion process, including identification of the specific point where infection prevention and control becomes involved. Specific areas that will be discussed include: 1) the preconstruction risk assessment, 2) the Infection Control Construction permit, 3) construction rounds, 4) management of the air handling system within the construction space, etc. This will be followed by a tour of relevant areas of the facility.
Learning Objectives:
12:00 PM
J. Renee Watson, RN, CIC, Children's Healthcare of Atlanta
1:00 PM
Joe Nowicki, Children's Healthcare of Atlanta
2:00 PM
Emily Dawson, MS, ASP, Children's Healthcare of Atlanta
3:00 PM
Richard Bennett, MSPH, CIH, Risk Tech LLC