Lara Danziger-Isakov, MD, MPH

The Children's Hospital at Cleveland Clinic
9500 Euclid Avenue
Desk S25
Cleveland OHUSA

Biographical Sketch:
After graduation from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, Dr. Danziger-Isakov trained in pediatrics at Cleveland Clinic and pediatric infectious diseases at St. Louis Children’s Hospital. During fellowship, Dr. Danziger-Isakov completed a Master’s in Public Health at St. Louis University, and she returned to Cleveland Clinic as faculty in 2003. Since her fellowship in Pediatric Infectious Diseases at Washington University in St. Louis, Dr. Danziger-Isakov has been dedicated to a career in transplant infectious diseases. She have been fortunate to collaborate with exceptional individuals involved in transplantation to develop a research program in pediatric transplant infectious diseases. Through the International Pediatric Lung Transplant Collaborative, Dr. Danziger-Isakov has developed a network of centers dedicated to clinical and translational research of infectious complications after pediatric lung transplantation, including funding through a faculty development award (K23) at the NCRR and the Clinical Trials in Organ Transplantation in Children (CTOT-C) from the NIAID with Principal Investigator Stuart Sweet. In addition, Dr. Danziger-Isakov received a faculty development award from the American Society of Transplantation to investigate beta-herpesviruses in pediatric solid organ transplant recipients.